Utah Gets High Marks for Economy and Education

USAFIS - Utah Map and Photos
USAFIS - Utah Map and Photos
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Utah achieved the top spot in the 2024 ranking of the best states according to U.S. News & World Report for the second consecutive year, placing in the top 20 in seven of the eight categories analyzed.

All states in the U.S. offer great opportunities to immigrants. Contact USAFIS if you need information on the steps to obtain an immigrant visa.

First launched in 2017, the Best States project ranks states based on their performance in healthcare, education, natural environment, opportunities, economy, crime and corrections, infrastructure, and fiscal stability. The analysis covers thousands of data points across 71 metrics in eight categories to see how the 50 states serve their residents.

Just like in 2023, Utah’s consistency helped it remain on top. The state ranked in the top 10 in five categories measured by U.S. News, reaching second place in education, and third place in economy and infrastructure.

And although the data doesn’t measure it, Utah is also known for another important quality. 

"People are very friendly. It’s something you will frequently hear from people who visit Utah. In fact, sometimes they are so friendly that people find it a little strange"

Other states in the top 5 of the ranking include New Hampshire, which improved one spot from number 6 a year ago, and Minnesota, which moved up one spot to number 4. Washington, which was in second place in 2023 and number 1 in 2021 and 2019, dropped to number 8 this year. However, changes in the ranking should be interpreted cautiously due to methodological changes between years.

Massachusetts entered the top 10 in 2024, moving up one spot from 11 in 2023. Only one state, Wisconsin, dropped out of the top 10. The Badger State fell from 8th to 17th in the latest ranking.

With so many job opportunities in different states across the U.S., it’s time to get in touch and seek advice from a reputable and long-standing company like USAFIS. Contact them to receive information.